The project "Fostering the equal local participation of women" is implemented in partnership by E-ROMNJA (Association for Promoting Roma Women Rights), Association "Together for the Future" Spantov and Legio Lex Populi, Mărginenii de Jos.
Participation is a process through which stakeholders influence public policies that allocate resources and access to public goods and services. Women and Roma women are two groups of citizens whose interests are found only tangential on local agendas. Education, health, social assistance, the traditional women’s fields are most affected by the crisis, restructuring, and spending cuts. National strategies of equal opportunities or Roma inclusion propose activities to increase women’s participation, but not also resources in this sense. Therefore, the project aims to develop an inclusive process of public participation in which women and Roma women in rural communities are to be involved. We address the challenges identified and the results defined by fostering a process of "community organizing" through the development of local initiative groups based on Roma and non- Roma women.
Project Facebook page - Fostering the equal local participation of women – End conference of the project "Fostering the equal local participation of women"