Sisterhood is a mentoring program that we developed within the E-Romnja association through the FETE E.D.U.C.A.T.E. project, funded by the Helsinki Deaconess Institute and its partners in Finland. The mentoring program has been implemented since 2018 and was created by identifying the needs of Roma girls and the systemic problems they face.Sisterhood is a mentoring program that we developed within the E-Romnja association through the FETE E.D.U.C.A.T.E. project, funded by the Helsinki Deaconess Institute and its partners in Finland. The mentoring program has been implemented since 2018 and was created by identifying the needs of Roma girls and the systemic problems they face.

Our initiative aims to provide support to Roma girls to complete their studies, as community experience has shown us that without support, the risk of dropping out of school increases. This support is translated into mentoring, financial aid but also creating a safe space for both mentors and mentors. For the mentors’ role, we involve Roma activist women with life and professional experience, who can be role models and help Roma girls acquire skills and information necessary for personal and professional development, improve or increase their self-esteem, feel understood, encouraged, and supported.

Descarcă broșura O poveste despre suroritate ca fișier .pdf.
