E-Romnja fights for the respect, integrity and dignity of Roma women.
E-Romnja is a Roma feminist, a-political and non-profit organization that fights for the rights of Roma women and girls.
The problem addressed by our project is the perpetuation of social exclusion in the multiple discriminated communities (economically, ethnically, based on age, gender, sexual orientation and disability) from disadvantaged urban areas in Bucharest.
The project brings added value from an intersectional perspective by establishing an intersectional community center, to address the phenomenon of social exclusion, its multiple forms, as well as the processes of reproduction of social inequalities that maintain the identified problem. The aim is to increase the inclusion and empowerment of vulnerable groups (young people, Roma, LGBTI, women, unemployed, people with disabilities or at risk of poverty) who face multiple discrimination in enclaves with disadvantaged communities in Bucharest.
The beneficiaries of the project are 1470 people at risk of poverty and social exclusion, of which Roma people, young people, women and young women, LGBTI people and people with disabilities, which will be involved in activities such as of non-formal education, personal development and psycho-hygiene workshops, permanent career support, biannual job fair, interventions for mental and reproductive health, legal counseling in social justice, including housing, awareness campaign and training in community organization and construction, organizing community consultations and coagulation events, community leadership training in the field of human rights and anti-discrimination, awareness and anti-discrimination campaign, from an intersectional perspective.
For more details about the project, the activities carried out at the center, the latest news and contact, visit the official page of the project on the website of the easyECO association.
The project is implemented by easyECO Association in partnership with E-Romnja Association and benefits from a 249.917 euros grant from Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants Grants 2014 -2021. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021; for more information visit www.eeagrants.org. More details about Active Citizens Fund Romania are available at www.activecitizensfund.ro.
Disclaimer: Material realizat cu sprijinul financiar al Granturilor SEE 2014 – 2021. Conținutul acestui site nu reflectă opinia oficială a Operatorului de Program, a Punctului Național de Contact sau a Oficiului Mecanismului Financiar. Informațiile și opiniile exprimate reprezintă responsabilitatea exclusivă a autorului/autorilor.
For official information on EEA Grants visit www.eeagrants.ro