We are launching the 100 Roma Women for the Centenary Campaign on April 8th 2018, the International Roma Day and after 100 years since the Great Romanian Union. We believe that there are many women doing beautiful and interesting things in their communities, and through this campaign we aim to bring to your attention 100 Roma women with their stories and actions, especially at the local level, who are involved in various activities in the communities they come from. We are launching this campaign with 22 stories of Roma women from our Initiative Groups and our Roma women's network.
We invite you to send us your own story or stories of Roma women you know who are actively involved in community life, in actions for women, youth and young women, or who through their experience have been a role model for others.
Part II
see below

Gina Anton

Ioanida Costache

Letiția Mark

Maria Dumitru

Mihaela Drăgan

Mihaela Gheorghe

Mihaela Iancu


Nicoleta Ghiță

Norica Costache

Oana Rusu

Roxana Ioniță

Raluca Crețu

Simona Torotcoi

Roxana Oprea

Rebeca Bulgaru

Zita Moldovan

Tatiana Covaci

Simona Gamonte

Carmen Tănase


Anina Ciuciu

Georgescu Lăcrămioara

Delia Grigore

Călin Biatris

Ioana Enache

Florina Busuioc

Iulia Halangescu

Georgeta Motrogan

Elena Garofița Rupa

Holea Veronica

Mihaela Paraschiv

Irina Spătaru

Laura Sandu

Rodica Păun

Mirabela Mille

Ioana Mariana Coman

Corina Păun

Iuliana Baldovin

Florentina Ibinceanu

Elena Spirea

Cristina Rivanaa

Isabela Stănescu

Francisca Răuț